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Rosie's Friends

Current research priority areas

At the start of a new research grant call, the Friends of Rosie Scientific Advisory Board recommends current research priority areas for funding. This does not exclude applications in other areas.

Our current research priority areas for 2020/21 are:

  • Methods to rapidly screen  and sequence tumours to identify targetable mutations and activated pathways, including detection of potentially actionable translocations in tumours with low mutational loads
  • Early detection of relapse through liquid biopsy methods, particularly ctDNA
  • Understanding the mechanisms of failure of immunotherapy in paediatric cancer
  • Immunotherapy – especially combinations of chemotherapy / immunotherapy or radiotherapy / immunotherapy
  • Role of metabolism in paediatric cancers
  • Targeting cancers with poor outcome (e.g. DRSCT, alveolar RMS, rhabdoid)

Projects proposing animal work must refer to guidance on the 3Rs provided by the NC3Rs (https://www.nc3rs.org.uk/the-3rs)


Katrina London

Katrina has specialised in the field of occupational personal injury for over 35 years and has worked exclusively for the victims of asbestos related diseases for the last 20 years.  Katrina is an APIL Accredited Occupational Disease and Asbestos Disease Specialist and Senior Litigator and has Law Society Personal Injury Accreditation. 


Carla Nuttall

Carla has over 20 years’ experience specialising in strategic communications, engagement and marketing across the public and private sector, including the BBC, Manchester Metropolitan University and Muse Developments. She is currently Executive Director of Corporate Affairs and Marketing for The Growth Company, an award-winning social enterprise that enables growth, creates jobs and improves lives.